
We enjoy raising rare breeds of sheep.
Jacob Sheep

We decided to start with Jacob Sheep, because they are a healthy, hardy breed, believed to originate in what is now known as Syria -in a climate very similar to Central Oregon. Our flock of Jacob Sheep are spotted, speckled, and striped in black and white tones. Their wool is soft and excellent for hand spinning. As their coat grows for the winter, the sun can bleach the outer layers into a creamy tan and brown, leaving the under layers black and white.

Jacob Sheep have not undergone crossbreeding or out crossing for specific features, maintaining their primitive body structure. Each of our rams have 4 horns and the ewes have 2 horns. Ewes tend to have twin lambs.

To find out more about Jacob Sheep, visit this resource below:
Jacob Sheep Breeders Association





Soay Sheep

The British Soay Sheep are a smaller, yet hardy, primitive agile breed that originates from St. Kilda, a remote archipelago of four westernmost islands, Hirta, Boreray, Soay, and Dun in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. Living in near isolation for thousands of years, their genetic makeup has been left unchanged, resulting in a very pure breed that can still be found feral in St. Kilda today.

They are considered an at risk breed, since there are less than 1500 known breeding ewes throughout the world. Their wool naturally molts in late spring, and is hand-plucked (rooed), coming in beautiful tan, chocolate brown, and black tones.

For more information on Soay Sheep and other breeders in the Northwest, you can Visit the online resources below:
British Soay Conservationists
Wilderbee Farm




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